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Six Month Review of the SWPSS Volunteer Coach Support and Supervision Plan
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It has now been six months since we launched the Support and Supervision Plan and as promised are reviewing the plan at this stage to assess how it is working for each of you in your role as volunteer coach. The questionnaire should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. We welcome constructive feedback and ideas. This survey can be anonymous however if you would like an opportunity to discuss any thoughts or ideas further you can leave your name at the end of the survey and BASW will follow up with you or you can email Amanda direct.
What do you feel has benefited you the most from the Support and Supervision Plan?
What do you feel has benefited you the least from the Support and Supervision Plan?
The SWPSS support and supervision sessions are not meant to replace the formal supervision sessions that you receive in your workplace or that are connected to your paid employment, but rather, it takes a two-fold approach. Its aim is to: a) ensure that we have appropriate standards in place to quality assure the service with our stakeholders, and b) provide coaches with day and evening support and supervision sessions that accommodates your work schedules. However, the over-arching aim of the plan is to provide safe spaces to debrief, explore, share coaching approaches and techniques, contribute new ideas, participate in meaningful ways, reflect, network, and support one another. This consultation seeks to provide you with a chance to suggest alternative formats and/or approaches to achieve this aim. Please share your thoughts
Is there anything we didn’t touch on within this survey that you feel is important?
If you would like to discuss any of the contents of this form further, please include your name in the box below. Thank you for taking the time to feedback.